
Me Doing Serious Review? Thats Unpossible! A Dmmd Review

Hey its been a while isnt it how have y’all been? College stuff is really annoying and took my time but as you seen on the title immm soooo good at english that i decided to be an english teacher WOOO(poor  innocent students)i know ITS IMPOSSIBLE BY THE WAY IT WAS REFERENCE OF THE SIMPSONS JEEZ- _-

Today  im going to write something i always wanted to but hadnt any chance because of school and really busy year:Dramatical Murder if you read this you will probably knows whats is it if you dont know im gonna explain a little: a bl aka boys love visual novel made by game company:Nitro chiral(not otome because you know)have a good plot and really neat graphic style(not the anime tho sorry)and have really really mature sex scenes but seriously its so good that i wish it was an interactive game like we could do something more instead of clicking and the game does almost everything by itself -_-
At first i want to show in game stuff you have to know

Game Title menu


Dramatical Murder Time come along with your homo friends we’re going very distant Plantium Jail  Aoba the human and Ren the dog  the yaoi never ends  ITS MURDER TIMEEEE

Yeah this is the game menu when you open after seeing some stuff like caution message no one reads(like literally its in japanese)but when you just start this fabulous game you will see only main character Aoba and his dog Rens pixel sprites when you finish playing a route the characters sprite shows up and walk along with our mc :D

this is my page and i played these characters in order for example :Clear,Noiz,Koujaku,Mink….and a secret character(the suspense is real) and under theres options for the game if you play first time click on start (DUH KOUHAI) when your data saved you can contiune your gameplay on data load but theres this two differences might make you confuse

 When you click DATA LOAD it directly leads to ‘’quick save page’’ this page literally saves your life beacuse when you play on first time IT AUTOMATICALY SAVES WHEN IT GOES ON CHOICES SO YOU DONT HAVE TO REPLAY  THOUSAND TIME FOR GETTING ANOTHER ENDINGS LMAO but when you move along next route their choices will appear and your previous save will be disappear so all you have to do is click on first page of SAVE DATA page and click on a window so it wont go o3o

   by the way you can also rewrite your data it depends on you just click on you data Picture and click to Save if you want to contiune click to Load and delete if you….want to delete XD PS:Quick save is in orange lines while normal save date has pink color as you can see on screenshot(thank you captain obvious)


   And when click on extra you will see this page you can see your cgs and other stuff by clicking      them since its huge rollercoaster of spoilers im gonna explain simply

Cg:computer graphics all the pictures you got in there it updates when you got new by new :D it does classify by main characters and even backgrounds nice source for…..making crack videos on youtube  of course

Media library:if you want to see pictures dont click this because for some reason media library has only background musics and ending soundtracks ,pictures are sepeate with cg folder since im an idiot i always keep click on media library XD but im sure you can spot the difference

Recollection:Satans(me) porn collection shit is disturbing yet you can keep watching(haha jk but it does actually has ALL THE YAOI SCENES BUT YOU HAVE TO UNLOCK THEM BY PLAYING so only came for  harcore yaoi will be both dissapointed and pleased

Glossary:if you want to learn about both important and trivial information about game you can read this to clarify things you are not sure

Confic:game settings you can change certain things about game like disable the sound and expand the screen or make it a window type screen

  Linernotes:if you unlock all endings with each route this page will unlock its basically leads to the   Nitro Chiral companys website and shows some drawings and notes by game developers its in Japanese unfortunatelly

Last  one and we can move on the my important and elite classy opinions(and reviews with explain characters) about game
İf you click right on your Mouse  while playing game will be paused and you see this page
When you dont click this at the choice moment first five options will avaible since some of them  obvious ill explain difficult ones

Nitro skip:it directly goes on choices its really important if you dont want to read everyting you already read again and waste your time click this owo

Back log:if you missed a dialogue by clicking fast you can always read all the script there you can even hear the characters voices by clicing megaphone thing next to dialogue
Save load:its the option when  you save your game permanently

Quick save:actually you dont have to click this the game(at least on mine)saves the choice page automaticly

Full screen:click if you want to play game on a window style like i did here


Do you see this brain logo below? İt actually shows how you are close to bad/good ending if the red line is londer than blue i have some bad news for you but you can fix this at the last scene offffffffffffffffff nope im not going to tell now
Also you seen those dots they are actually how close a character route you will play the colors and the numbers of counts when you play without a guide just after click on choice you want  look at the new dot around the brain thingy the color represent the character and their route for example you want to play Koujaku route look at the red dots and their numbers if its not enough click on back to choice and make other choice gives one dot for him

Okay i guess thats it if i missed one im sorry now its time for explain the game itself Senpaikek The Almighty already write a review about the games sequel :dmmd reconnect and even explain the story and characters so im not going to details on it not only this but also it count as major spoilers and i dont want to ruin the game for you(im gonna ruin the game for you)
you are playing as Aoba Seragaki who lives at small island called Midorijima with his grandmother and works at a part time job and have a normal life until main events changing everyting about him and his surroundings the events happening in a distopian future with both advanced techology becomes a part of a daily lives of people and modern tradition of  Japan mixture it kinda reminds me of Hunger Games distopia style  and you can compare Capitol on hunger games with Plantium jail on dmmd and District 12 on  with Old resident district with less people with living bad condition and without survival games but a virtual reality game called Ryhme and Aoba get pulled out this game without his notice with that he explores some certain powers which can destroy things in both good or bad way while making ‘’special’’ friends change him and his life forever 

Characters and their routes

Clear aka Domo arigato mr roboto

I wonder if i can fly ....touch the sky and ride on stars and fuck this blue haired fashion disaster so many questions…

Well he is my first character and i got him without looking a guide i REALY LIKED CLEAR OK he is well writen character with cliche issues unfortunatelly and his route was so rushed and many things are still unexplained about him for example he wears a gas mask in his life and i stil dont know how he does stuff with gasmask on??? And his labcoat/thoselongcoatscooldetectivesandclassyinstagramgirlswear has a biggest pocket you will ever see so that you think it made by Doctor Who or any wizard from Harry Potter  HE CAN KEEP HIS UMBRELLA ON HIS….well anyway the point is i really like clear and his character i dont like his route too much i would if its a bit longer and more reasonable if i can explain his character he is those guys who act like 5 year old adorable child and kill you if you say shit about his master(yeah its Aoba)oh and he is a artifical intelligence shortly a robot i guess you can see this coming yeah wait did you guess he was an alien or a wizard… ok ? so he does have issues all fictional robot characters i guess i emotionally attacted him because i have this weird reverse psychology with inhuman fictional characters wants to be human like im thinking :i hate existence of humans i hate people i wish all humanity wipe off from this world and only inhuman characters like animals live or inanimate objects will have lifes like Adventure Time(i know im weird but i hate things most people do dont blame me)while those inhuman characters DOES EVERYTING AND WOULD DO EVERYTHING THEY COULD DO FOR THE SAKE OF BEING FLESH AND BLOOD BUT THEY WONT GODDAMNIT like David from Artifical Intelligence;_; i guess that movie and freaking David gave me that  PS:Clear is literally David they are so similar and bot hare my precious creepily human looking robot children) lastly he sing freaking song about jellyfishes and its so sad you will bawl your eyes out crying whenever you watch spongebob or seeing jellyfish on aquarium and think about a certain robot whose hobbies are thinking about jellyfishes dreaming

ROUTE RATE:6/10 would bleach my brain with dye music again

Noiz aka meme my dick

      He is hacking your computer and found your internet history and watching rabbit videos  giving zero fucks

Well I NEVER EVER THOUGHT I WOULD LOVE THIS PIECE OF SHIT DORK MEME KING this is not my mom wanted for me i hate myself(and love) he is basically me its creepy and i thought Tomoko Kuroki from Watamote was me anyway he cant feel pain or main emotions and his shitty parents isolated him from world so he cant be making any trouble and embrass them THE MOST ASSHOLE PARENTS EVER and IT MAKES ME SO MAD because of them he does not understand people and avoiding any contact with them i said we are similar but not in that way but still smiliar like my parents were overprotective and isolating thing was kinda similar they didnt let me simple interact things with people so i wont get hurt guess what i can never talk with someone without shitting myself and cant symphatize anyone so i never like socialize or even talk and Noiz on the other hand thinkink exact same thing as me when it comes to reliationships he thought people pretend to like him so that they use him…he has a complicated personality with inner issues but never express his true feelings and having same face expression with low and monotone voice he doesnt care if people likes him or not but deep down he is vulnerable little shit who needs someone to care about him at least thats why i enjoy playing his route so much he finds Aoba he helped him going through his problems and make him happier and finds someone to love him truly its just amazing im not sure if it works in real life but i still have faith in humanity even if its a little im sure you will like noiz and his story and maybe even sympatize with him

Ps:you will get really interesting scene towards ending of his route dont freak out and throw your computer thinking it possesed by a demon nope you and your computer are safe but i cant say same thing with your mental health(especially if you get bad ending youre welcome)
ICH LIEBE DICH :7/10 yaoi parts were lame sorry i dropped some POINTS because of it 

Koujaku aka cool samurai guy with all ladies but actually a loser
  Guy in the background whispering:bruh i  bet 5000 yen and my experiences with cruel   life for this guy is hella gay for his friend

He is the type of person i always hate he acts nice to crowd of people and saying heyyy im looking really tough and scary guy but im really kind and i like everyone so love me uwu BUT GUESS WHAT he insults and saying mean things to people he dont know HE JUST MET THEM I KNOW THEY LOOK SUSPICIOUS AND INTEND TO HURT YOUR BFF BUT YOU DONT HAVE A RIGHT FOR DOING THOSE for example he literally said Noiz:no one likes  annoying shits like you……: )

 Are you for real??? and he tells Clear to shut up even though he try to help HE TREATED HIM LIKE CRAP and he even insulted Mink but Mink is a mature enough to reply and everyone knows that he would beat his ass up(unless he is in the certainbeast mode)

Yeah*spoiler alert*of course dmmd wouldnt be dmmd without making at least one character with shounen anime protagoinst issues i saw it at least two animes now this yeah……he has a tattoo that makes him a monster thing loses his shit and attack everyone???ugh (sorry for too much koujak shaming but i cant stand characters who judge and insults others with prejudice excluding this he is okay and i love his look he looks damn fine *drools* but with that twofaced personality with nice and kind to his friends and women but not people he does not like is not ok i mean i wont say :you look like a bean sprout no one likes you,you are weird i dont trust you so i wont let you express your opinion i guess only thing i liked about koujaku he is really supportive to aoba and trying to not hurt him and being side with him as he could he is true friend and true lover at this point thats why i really liked his realtionship with Aoba they look sweet with each other but i have to say i love his bad ending most? Haha i know im horrible but seriously bad ending Aoba and Koujaku is my one of the otp s I DONT CARE I SHIP IT
RATE THE HATE:4/10 would play bad ending again XD

Mink aka everyone hates him but me

Someone please make a photoshop it with Snoop Dogg with weed and deal with it glasses on Mink saying haters gonna hate cinnamon daddy goes for your mom I NEED IT

Well *sigh*i know you guys will hate me or judge me but i dont care i like Mink a lot and i cant believe i read his route after Koujaku because everyone saying terrible things about Minks route i scared to play and i was reluctant at first BUT BRUH THIS BARA KING RIGHT HERE IS SO WISE AND SO AWESOME LIKE HOLY SHIT HE IS EPIC he told Aoba he shouldnt kept his true side inside and fight with it instead and make his own decisions by himself

Like he does have no regrets and he does what he wants and things he done is reasonable(except for that one yeah that one)AND HE IS THE ONE HELPED AOBA TO GET THROUGH HIS ISSUE AND HELPED HIM HE IS LIKE THOSE STRICT AND SCARY TEACHER NO ONE LIKES BUT ALL HIS STUDENTS ARE SUCCESSFUL BECAUSE OF HIS TEACHING METHOD  read one of those examples by cinnamon daddy and judge it yourself

senpaikek: cmon guys he didnt even raped owba also owba liked dat omg cinnamon dady

‘’But you’re not the only one shouldering something’’

''Everyone is the same don’t think you’re some tragic protagonist’’

‘’What you want and dont want doesn’t matter you get what burdens you were given thats the reality’’

‘’The rest has nothing to do with it if you hate it fight to the death dont accept it’’

 Jusy sayin ¯\_()_/¯     *SPOILER MOTHERFUCKER* also he had really terrible past and he gone through some bad shit  and theres those guys-a certain Trip and Virus(and im not going to shout out you guys does not that)who done more terrible things to Aoba BUT THERES THOSE GUYS WHO LOVES THEM BUT HATES MINK FOR DOING BAD THINGS TO AOBA SERIOUSY IM DONE


By the way i started to ship him with Clear they would so cute together and i wont accept otherwise
Rate du rouette:8/10  

Ren aka fur of freaking spoiler*SERIOUSLY EVEN IF TRY I AVOID THEM I CANT*

Dramatical murder only the game where you can date your freaking dog YOUR FREAKING DOG WHICH ALSO PART OF YOUR CONSCIOUS
Well this route was the only one explain things and appearently is the true one if you want to play this one you should play other routes once soo ren is Aobas artifical intelligence pet called allmate everyone have one of those pets koujaju has a angry bird mink has a bird called bird lmao and noiz has a bloody cube which has poker face rabbit face lmao Noiz wtf
Anyway allmates personality based on their owners but unlike aoba ren is serious and quiet and has a smooth jazz voice  why not? But wait ren is  aobas part of personality you see Aoba has many different personalities and ren was the one watching out for aoba and he sent himself into an old allmate so he can protect aoba physically so ren is the secret hero of the story AND freaking Sei who only appears on this route and he is the one all behind of many things andd ughh help im dying

Twf when ur the badass personality part of a stupid brat and you have to stuck in a cute robotic dog for years to watch his dumb ass out ren is the true hero he is the real mvp he is…………………………JOHN CENA…..*gets shot*

Anyway i loved and truly enjoy his story beacuse its also Aobas story we get many information about main antagionist who behind all of the bad things happened our lovely heroes and we get focus on more and deal with Aoba’s own problems instead of others*mindblown*and shows us things which are not make sense at all but you will be like ohhh okay because this game…..this game makes you okay with things not okay-kouhaikek 2015

Who let the doges out:10/10 

I liked every single character and the game itself has a mysterious and eccentric air in it with its trippy jellyfish song(different in anime) dye music which sounds like you first listen it on radio and cant get it out your mind and all the bad ending songs by awesome people and lastly the band Goatbed*insert any goat meme here* and aside from graphics and soundtrack the dystophia setting is really good with all those mind control scenerio,all the advanced tecnology with artifical intelligences and im actually worried about this will happen in future im sure there is many weird people like Toue by the way main antagonist Toue is definetely one of the briliant villains i ever seen in fiction he is always calm and sees everything as a game if he loses he accepts it and challenge people even if he can win if he wants

I do reccomend try this game but have a warning:this game has really really really mature scenes being a yaoi game after all but has a little yaoi on it and it doesnt affect story at all if you ask me even if you dislike yaoi it wont bother you(or will and you are the homophobic jerk if you get bothered by one single kiss)

Graphics:10/10 awww yeah
Backgrounds:5/10 the background people who does like same really bothers me and i spend my time with try to find same people with different color XD
Overall:9/10 wish some of the routes were little bit longer and explain things more

senpaikek: im giving this shitty game 8/10 but for rc 11/10 cya 

I’ve lost control of my life
İ hope it helped you and my writing style isnt difficult to read sorry if it does
See ya later with another post

                                  diss war will never ends(is this Koujakus and Aobas theme song?)



Himegimi to sanbiki no kemono

Why, hello there ! 
We are reeaaallly busy, so we can't finish our reviews. 
Every reviews are half done but like I said, omg sorry.
I decided to review kinda long shoujo manga ;

Weelll, actually everything reviewed at title omfg lol
There is 3 beast (not really they are just human) 

Crow // Crow ??XD
Hello there sexy boiy. Wat u don't have memories? Ow so sad but princess will be here for ya no need to worry. Omg so u can jump 2high yayy its a great thing for bein a leader isnt it lol?

Renard // Fox
Hello there playboiy. Oooh so u love cosplayin? oiy oiy ur such a good gay with great  look but meh princess have crush already cya 

Kuchinawa // Snake
Hello there tsundere boiy. So ur da brother complex no Crow complex snake. Oh oh yeah ur so cute u shoulda be kouhakikeks crush xd /lilsnaketsuntsunawyamete

Omg what's wrong with me xd 
/inner senpai voice/ Everything???
Oooomgg yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaa thx 
Well, there is a princess with full of idiotic thoughts!
3 beats (snake, crow, fox) is like Robin Hood, so they are not really bad gayz.
And they kidnapped princess(not really she wants D's)

Well I don't wanna speak too much because its such thing "Omg everything i said spoiler hahaha"
So I'll cut it short. 
I hope ya enjoy this manga I liked it anyways :3 

Also dunno should I do such thing like myanimelist? Cuz I don't think I'm gonna keep this shit anyways. Probably I wont do it aaaaaahaa


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