
Bunny King wants to learn Pain

-Oh, snap. I forget to write Noiz's Bad Ending Route. I was thinking about my new review and I remember this, lol.

 Noiz Bad Ending Route

Aoba failed Scrap, so they stuck inside of Noiz's mind. You know, Noiz can't feel anything so his wish was feelings. In his mind, they feel pain very well... Noiz finally understand what is pain. Uhh, they did it but that was really painful and I was like "eww, noiz yameeroooo" but he didn't stop
"Everywhere they come into contact with each other gains lacerations, even revealing bone in some areas, but they can never die."
So in the end Noiz and Aoba trapped in Noiz's painful mind for eternity, together.

Noiz Bad Ending Route

Aoba, Scrap'te başarısız oldu ve Noiz'in zihninde kaldılar. Biliyorsunuz, Noiz hiçbir şey hissedemiyordu, dileği ise hislerdi. Zihninde, acıyı oldukça güzel hissettiler. Noiz sonunda acının ne olduğunu anladı. Uhm, evet yaptılar fakat bu cidden çok acı vericiydi ve ben "ewww noiz yameerrooo" desem de durmadılar.

"Birbirlerine dokundukları yerlerde yaralar açılıyor hatta kemikleri bile açığa çıkabiliyor fakat asla ölemezler." 

Yani en sonunda, Noiz ve Aoba Noiz'in acı dolu zihninde sonsuza kadar kapana kısıldılar, birlikte. 

Noizu, yaameeerooo

Annddd bonus, good ending ost :3 


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