
Black Desert vs Blade&Soul

Yo weeaaabooooooosszz
I'll write something about black desert vs blade&soul cuz i just wanna write cuz seems like it's a big problem for players XD.

Alright. So, I'll start with

Black Desert

This community always compare Black Desert with Blade&Soul and I can see why but actually that's wrong.
Black Desert's system is actually really similar to Vindictus or C9.
It's like open world version of Vindictus/C9 .
I can see why people so hyped for this game I mean we played Vindi/C9 for years and we wished 
"Oh my god why this game isn't open world ufff"
So it happened ;   Black Desert 
Yeah, this game is like the open world version of dungeon games. I really liked tho, I love dungeon game mechanics.
Well, we hyped way too much -i guess, even me- But t's ... It's like somethings missing.
And I know what is it.
Yeah, I'm sorry but story is not enough for those all graphics. 
And about graphics.
I'm sorry but nearly all characters are the same. There is many "minor" changes for us but it's minor so if u are not a talented preset maker, I'm sorry but your characters gonna look "same"
I've played this game for a short time tho I really liked the graphics. I'm really good at preset's so, of course my character looked different but still I don't actually like about presets. 
In game looks are way too much similar, that's a bad point imo.
Mechanics was really great, If u played Vindi/C9 before, it's gonna be easy for you!
And also there is "Awakening" something new.
Ah, also about classes, they are not something new but it's okay! It's fun to play, so it's not a failure.
I'm sorry but i ate IP Ban thx putin and I dunno about pvp stuff.


Yea, so I played bns for a long time -still playing tho-
 I can say that, this game is really good because it's totally f2p even the pvp system.
You know, usually at pvp u can't beat someone if they got such better weapons and equipments.
But u can beat them at bns because its %90skills and %10 weapon.
And this is a Open World + Dungeon system.
We can do open world pvp or arena pvp. Also we can kill bosses or, run to a dungeon with others and usually you need to do some "party play" Well, in Russian server bosses and mobs had more damage+hp bar but in eu/na that's a bit more easy. I mean even mobs nerfed.
Yea, It's not about just nerf but also my player skills lmfao.
About mechanics, that's a bit difficult. I mean mechanics are really fun and that game is really fast.. I guess this fast thing makes the game fun, eh?
Hmm, well after end-game(just for now) we can do dailies,farming and pvp. Well it looks meh but actually not because like i said before, you can get rekt by 15level ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
And its still updating so it's guuuud.

In the end

You can't even compare thoooose 2 games because they are totally different !
If you are still comparing them you are a baka! 
I guess comparing them is such idiotic thing to do.
Just play both? fdpfdh
No need to be toxic, oh my god D:

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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