
Run Owba Run

-Yeah, that's what i was talking about.

 Ren Good Ending Route  -2
Aaannd this is the second route! This route is mostly about Ren's new life with his new body. Aoba taking Ren for a walk and whooa! Yoshie and Clara! After an awkward chit-chat, Clara asked about Ren and that was the most awkward thing. Aoba and Ren was like: "Well, yeah.. You know... Well, hahaha, yeeaaahhh...." *Ren grabs Owba's hand and dashes off at full speed away from her.* RUN OWBA RUN! Ren and Owba hide in nearby alleyway. And Ren said: "Owba I'm a hotdog." And ofc, Owba already knew that so he said: Yea, I know." *2muchhotscenes* YES THAT WAS SO CUTE AND HOT idk what's wrong with me idc, lol..!
 Ren Good Ending Route  -2
Veee, bu ikinci route! Bu route daha çok Ren'in yeni vücuduyla yeni yaşamı hakkında. Aoba, Ren'i yürüyüşe çıkartıyor ve whooa! Yoshie ve Clara! Garip bir ayaküstü konuşmadan sonra, Clara Ren hakkında sordu ve bu en garip şeydi. Aoba ve Ren şey gibiydi: Eeh, evet... Bilirsin.. Şey, hahaha, eveeett..." *Ren, Owba'nın elini tutar ve bütün gücüyle koşar* KOŞ OWBA KOŞ! Ren ve Owba yakınlarda ara sokaklara girerler. Ve Ren der: "Owba, ben bir hotdog'ım." Ve elbette Owba bunu çoktan biliyordur ve der "Evet biliyorum." *çokfazlahotsahne* EVET BU ÇOK TATLI VE SEKSIYDI bilmiyorum, beinm sorunum ne umrumda da değil, hehehe..!

Awwwhhh, I CAN'T... *nosebleed*

And, just listen his beautiful, sexy voice..


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